Last week, American Vice President JD Vance told European Security Chiefs in Munich, Germany, that the threat to European nations lay far more from within, than externally from the likes of Russia & China. In particular, despite a majority of European people wanting to restrict illegal mass immigration, Euro politicians, bureaucrats & academics have gone out of their way to subvert that democratic wish. In essence, those politicians and bureaucrats have labeled the average Euro voter dumb - not understanding the issues - and racist and nasty by wanting to shut out poor folks from the likes of Syria & Africa. As such, it is Europe's leaders who are overturning their own democracies, not Russian or Chinese ones. Although not emphasized in our Main Stream Media, a similar situation now applies to NZ, and on a far bigger scale than in Europe. Why? Because the National-led coalition is in the midst of a grand betrayal of trust and subversion of the result of election 2023. That election was fought on two main issues. First, to sort out the Treaty so NZ could unite and become a prosperous State - not a State-within-a-State or two parallel States existing within the same territory. Second, to lower the cost-of-living. On both counts, Kiwis have been betrayed.
How has the perversion of democracy occurred in Europe? In the recent German elections, it is taking the form of the center-right CDU (Christian Democrat Union) party refusing to form a coalition government with the anti-immigration AfD (Alternative for Germany), which it labels "far-right". But the will of the German people was clear. The election proved a majority want the center-right to form a government and also want immigration policies shifted in the direction of the AfD - away from the catastrophic disaster which characterized former Chancellor Angela Merkel mass migration policies. But the CDU is indicating it will instead go left & probably form a Grand Coalition with the SPD (Social Democratic Party). The so-called "far right" was similarly shut out of power in France last year. Meanwhile in NZ, on an issue of even more profound importance - constitutional arrangements - our government, bureaucratic, media & academic class are engaged in a bigger betrayal of trust. Our 2023 election gave a clear-cut result - the electorate couldn't stand Labour and its lock-down, control-freak, Big State suffocating agenda, and voted in National. But the people wanted National to shift to ACT (and NZ First's) positions on Treaty matters, which had became a ferociously controversial election issue, especially after the likes of "Three Waters". So what has National done? An identical betrayal of trust and weakening of democracy along the same lines as has just occurred in Germany and France.
National has decided to form a Grand Coalition by going left with Labour - the opposite of what the electorate voted for - and together with Labour vote down ACT's Treaty Principles Bill. Of course, the electorate largely didn't want ACT's bill - but just like in Germany - it wanted our centre-right National Party to shift in ACT's direction and broker a compromise. That compromise obviously was legislation to reign in our out-of-control judiciary & ensure every Kiwi knows where they stand before the law and the place of the Treaty in our society. Instead National has perverted democracy in the way Vance warned - National tricked its center-right voters by forming a center-left Grand Coalition with Labour on the most important issue facing the country. The Prime Minister's solution is not to talk about it - instead tell us he's only focused on the economy - and how China is the enemy - when in fact, as Vance warned, our enemy is not external, but is from within. Even on the economy, the main achievement of the Coalition is the lowering of inflation which would have followed an identical path under Labour. Why? We have a fiscal deficit that has got bigger and an independent Central Bank whose aim is price stability. As for monopoly and competition issues, which affect the cost-of-living, the Minister in charge, Andrew Bayly, has just been forced out (Luxon never liked him, which is why he was never in his Cabinet). So there again we are back to a Grand Coalition. New Zealand's political, bureaucratic & academic class have made up their minds, just like in Europe, that the average Kiwi who has to actually get out of bed and physically go into work in the morning, is just too dumb, or too bigoted, or both, to know what is good for them.