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Former Finance Minister Grant Robertson officially became the Vice Chancellor of Otago this past 1 July. No longer does he need worry about homelessness along with his friend, Jacinda Ardern, who is similarly entrenched in gilded halls - in her case at Harvard, funded by America's billionaires. Robertson can now enjoy his $629,000 pay package, including a stately home thrown in for good measure. As a symbolic gesture of the total takeover of the University by the Labour Party, the Opposition Leader & former PM Hipkins attended his mate's swearing in ceremony. Asked what is his priority, predictably Robertson replied it was getting the University's finances on track. Not research, not teaching - its all about the cash. How's he going to do that? Sources tell me Otago is lobbying furiously to stop Waikato getting NZ's third medical school. Why? Since it would create competition for Otago's own medical school and it may lose students. Its epidemiologists, like Prof. Michael Baker, may then struggle to fund campaigns arguing how Ardern-Hipkins-Robertson style Auckland lockdowns are optimal responses to pandemics. How ironic our former Finance Minister starts his job by lobbying to cut the number of doctors graduating in NZ by defunding Waikato. Never fear, Waikato has its own trump card. Its VC, Neil Quigley, was mysteriously renewed as Reserve Bank Chair by National, despite missing its inflation target year after year. Quigley is mates with Steven Joyce, who he hired as a consultant to support Waikato's case for a medical school. Joyce Advisory was paid nearly $1 million in consulting fees. Who will prevail in this Wellington lobbying battle in which the best outcome for the health of Kiwis plays second fiddle to empire-building by VCs? Can Robertson keep the (Woolworths-Countdown supermarket-type) duopoly Auckland & Otago hold over our medical schools? Will he successfully be able to cut the number of doctors graduating elsewhere in NZ to put his new fiefdom in Dunedin on a better financial footing? Or will the dark knight of Joyce prevail in the battle of having friends in high places in Wellington? Stay tuned for this sad drama worthy of a day-time Soap Opera.


Yes, we're pretty much top of the pops. Ever since Jacinda Ardern & Chris Hipkins declared we beat the world at fighting Covid and enjoyed the world's best response, the Comms & Marketing teams at our central bank, universities, airports and more have become fully aware of their powers to tell their own version of the truth. The leadership team of Te Pūtea Matua (Reserve Bank of NZ) is busy delivering on being ‘Great Team, Best Central Bank', according to itself. Forget the US Federal Reserve - what does it know? Not to be outdone, Otago University, although pretty much these days a medical school and not a lot else, has declared itself our best university, "ranked in the top 1% in the world", right up there with Harvard. As for Auckland Airport, where I nearly had a nervous breakdown last week in an attempt to walk several kilometers through a maze to find a taxi which would have left most elderly customers collapsed on the streets, my experience must have been mistaken. It is actually one of the leading airports on the planet, as verified by its own management team. Forget Singapore. Auckland Airport's Board is busy making it far better than that dump, namely "the world’s most outstanding and welcoming airport". So don't despair and don't listen to those putting us down. Ardern's legacy has been that to be the best, the secret is to keep repeating to yourself, your customers and your voters that you are best. Just look at what it did for her. It took her to Harvard where she got an honorary degree and it took her Finance Minister, Grant Robertson, to Vice Chancellor of the Harvard of the South Pacific (Otago) as reward for running the world's best economy.

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Robert MacCulloch

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